Last week, one of the main headlines was Microsoft's bid to buy Yahoo. By now, Yahoo has officially rejected Microsoft's bid. However, the fact still remains that Microsoft's greed apparently knows no boundaries. "What do I care?" you ask; you should be caring a whole lot.
Microsoft is known as the company that brought you Windows and Office; the ever better benefactors of mankind... not anymore (where they ever? Not Really). As of late, Microsoft's true colors have been showing. Remember Vista? That one OS (Operating System) you don't want in you computer, the one that looked more like a Beta (or Alpha) of what should have been. Well, Microsoft released it like that because they were almost sure that their grap on the market was so secure, that people would buy anything label "Microsoft." Imaging that same ideology carried it out but with success?
With the anti-trust laws being dimished, it is our duty as consumers not to buy all the thrash that microsoft spits out until they fix it properly or, better yet, buy Apple. If you are worried about Office not working on Apple, it does and it is a legit program which Microsoft publishes (you get Word, Excel, Powerpoint, and the Messenger in the package).
Don't let Microsoft win by monopoly. If it wants to win, let it win by quality.
I was just talking about your topic the other day with my boyfriend because he deals with computers and we discuss many things dealing with tecnology and microsoft because we both work at Best Buy. I think their will be a great controversy in society if microsoft is allowed to buy yahoo.
Speaking as a programmer in the Windows world, (no I have never written an OS but I have written programs in VisualBasic, which is the language that Windows uses to make Office), Microsoft is a much better investment. Regardless if you do not care for Vista, Microsoft is still selling XP and you are allowed to have multiple OS's on one machine at the same time. If you wish to purchase a machine with Mac OS that "supposedly" has better graphics, be aware that any program you purchase will cost more for that machine than for Windows because Macintosh has a terrible compiler and runs inefficiently in most cases. That is why when Macintosh released the i-Mac their machines always froze after you'd used them for a while.
The reason why the i-pod is so popular is because it has such a clever marketing campaign. You see the black silhouettes dancing with white earphones in front of a single tone background and your eye is captured because of the colors and you go out and buy it even though the Zune has a far better sound quality and isn't made as cheaply.
Before you started bashing Microsoft are you saying that if they had purchased Yahoo! that they would have had a monopoly?
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