Friday, May 9, 2008
A Pixilated Version of Rhetoric

Friday, May 2, 2008
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Rant #3: Movies: Iron Man Lives Again! Hopefully
The last movie I can remember that kept me sit down like that was "The Lord of the Rings:The Two Towers," but that was 6 years ago!; after that, not much as really stood out of the bunch. Which leads me to my real concern, is the age of great movies over? I mean, movies are costing more and more, but I am not that sure that the are getting and better. Take for example, "I Am Legend," everyone and their mom said that movie was great. The movie lasted about one hour, don't you think that there was far more material to stretch the movie to 2 hours? Yet they didn't. How about Spiderman 3 which, for me, destroyed most of the affection to the franchise since it was waaaaaaay to cheesy? How about Pirates of the Caribbean 3? Another flop. Shrek 3? flop. Star Wars 1? Flop. Star Wars 3? Flop. The list of "heavy releases"gone wrong goes on and on.
Why is it that movies have gotten worst? Well, it your fault! And mine too... All of the movies that I mentioned above were movie flops, but not on the money they made. When Spiderman 3 makes $382 million Worldwide what is that telling the producers and directors? It is saying "give them anything, they'll eat it." Hence, the point of this my rant is, don't be fooled by advertising, wait and see if the movie was great, than go. If you don't do so, expect more horribly and short movies as well as shorter.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Wake Up When It's Over...
As the time for the presidential elections draws closer and closer, the democrats seem to put more and more nails on their coffins. Why is? Well, while McCain is already planning for the election, Clinton and Obama are still fighting in their little corner of the world. In the end, their struggle will prove to be the downfall of the democratic party for God knows how many years to come.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Video Game, Meet Music; Music, Meet Video Game
(For best results, play the video while you read)
Thursday, April 10, 2008
But It Looks Pretty...
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
To Buy or Not to Buy A Hybrid

Saturday, March 29, 2008
Spring Break from Vegas
Anyway, this Spring Break I dusted off my 360 and rented a couple of games: Devil May Cry 4 and Rainbow Six Vegas 2. The first one I played was Devil May Cry 4 and I can tell you that it is a pretty cool game. The game falls under the category of Action and Adventure and from the moment you start playing it, you just can't put it down until the end of the story. Its got a few problems like making you play the same bosses several times, or some weird sex innuendos that feel sometimes off places but the game is overall pretty cool. The other game however, was not an instant hit for me.
At first when I began to play RSV2, I felt sick playing it, literally. One of the main problems with why most people don't grab first person shooters is that the view makes their eyes or stomach hurt (it looks like if you were watching the game from the eyes of the character). I c just couldn't believe that after sometimes of criticizing people and telling them to take it like a man when playing fps, I myself was having the same eye straining and dizziness (it wasn't the time; I only played for an hour). On top of that, I was really lost in the first mission: I didn't know what to do, my AI (Artificial Intelligence) guys were not helping at all, and my weapons were just not doing the damage they should be doing. I was very close to just returning the game (I rented both of them). After that first hour, I didn't play the game again for a day or two. After that, having nothing better to do, I gave the game another shot. This time, it all clicked. The eye strain and the dizziness went away for the most part and the gameplay was not bad at all, it just was different from the games I had played before.
The morale of the story is: don't get carry away if things don't work out in the first 30 or so minutes. Give things some time.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Cheap Can be More Expensive
As the scheduled day for all TV signals to change to digital, we are all feeling the itch to buy a new and shiny TV. That would include me. Some like going for the cheapest option, that's all we need right? others like buying the most expensive TV in the market, quality over quantity. As I walked through Walmart, I found out that neither of the two is the best one.
First, let us analyze the cheap TV. The Vizio brand is considered to be the number one selling brand of LCDs in America. That may true, but what they don't tell you is that their product is very inferior to that of its competitors. About a couple of weeks ago, I was at the brink of buying a 26" Vizio; I truly was seconds away from doing so. However, as I looked to other TVs, I noticed something very interesting about TV, the TV displayed no gray colors! Whenever an object casted a shadow, the TV would just display a big blob of black. I tried adjusting the contrast and the brightness to see if I could fix that. To my surprise, the contrast was all the way up already. I started playing with it anyway, up and down, the image didn't improve that much and sometimes it got worst. I played with the brightness, but raising that only made the rest of the colors looked like they were washed away. Long story made short, Vizio was clearly worst than its competitors.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Rise of the Machines (Critical Learning Part 2)

Computers, as we all know, are machines that can compute one thing at a time, at a super-fast speed (if you add dual-core, than 2). There is little to no hope that we can possibly one day match their speed with raw force, why then are trying to do this? With the current system of education, it seems as if though most people were trying to to beat the computer in things like adding, remembering, and other one-action tasks. Hence, one again the importance of using our critical thinking. Machines, under this ideology, are made to compliment our living, while the critical thinkers take the complicated decisions.

"The concept, not date" should then be the norm, not the option.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Critical Learning

Monday, February 25, 2008
The Best Way to Help...is Not To
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
I Give You...Rapture/City Seventeen/Halo

As some of you might remember, I picked video games as my topic for the my final paper. Thus, why are video games rhetoric? Basically because they fulfill all of the aspects of the definition. Video games like Half-Life, Halo or Bioshock, take you inside a world, thus creating a reality. The world is totally fictitious, but any exceling video game should be able to immerse the player in the game enough so that the player's reality changes.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Do you Trust the Trust?

Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Are Video Games Art?
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Fox News and What NOT to Do
Not that long a small website reported a story, which was error filled, puclished a story on "graphic sex" in Mass Effect, few people bodered to check the news from that site as they were flat out wrong. The incident went without much thought in the world and everyone thought that the false statements would cease; we were wrong.
A couple or so weeks ago, Fox News recycled that story from the small website and blew it up into a full debate (see video on top of the page). This would had been perfectly ok, had they correct the errors of the original story unfortunately, they only added upon the already big pile of lies found in the original story.
First, as pointed out by the video game journalist Geoff Keighley, for the sex video to appear, the player has to follow a path that is both long and complex. The game does not just load and asks you "do you want to see sex scene now?"
Fox News repedeatly stated that the video game Mass Effect "featured full frontal nudity and interactive sex scenes." The reality is that the game does not show full frontal nudity since it only shows angled shots which display as much nudity as you would find in other popular prime telivision shows. The game is does not feauture interective sex either. Like many other video games and forms of media, it features a NON-interactive video with the shots previously defined before. If someone was to edit a few clips from some of the scenes of prime time shows, the outcome would be far worst. Looking at movies, things only get worst. Have any you guys seen or read the plot of the Saw series? Are you telling me it is ok to display "torture-porn" in movies, and to display sex in TV, but it is not ok to show a clip, on a video game?
The sad reality is that most of the people running the world right now have little to no idea of what a video game are or what they are made of. Indeed, video games have become the easy band wagon to ride to gain some votes.
For those of you reading this, just keep in mind that when you see something on the news, it does NOT have to be true.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
From One End to the Other: MLG and the Wii

What is a harcore? One look at the wonderful world of MLG will tell you that. Only those who go through rigourous tests can have the honor to become an MLG player...or you pay you way up. Like everything else in life, MLG is all about the money. In order to enter into a tournament, you basically only need to pay the fee and create an account online. The only thing that stops most people from entering is the extreme level of competition of most players in there. These are people who devote almost all day long to practicing in these tournaments. They often live from the sposoring that companies like ATI, INTEL, Ubisoft, and the alike provide for them.